Poet Playwrite Actor Triple Threat
Adam LeFevre is an American actor and writer. He has appeared in numerous films, television shows, and stage productions, and has also written several plays.
Washington Post
Poet/actor/playwright: Adam LeFevre is a triple threat
As a football player growing up in upstate New York, Adam LeFevre had a secret to keep from his small-town classmates.
He wrote poetry.
“Every once in a while, I would write a poem for a girl, and then the word would get out,” he said.
But gradually, LeFevre became more comfortable as an athlete aesthete, and learned to write about more than cute coeds.
Shakespeare Theatre
Poets Are Present: Virtual poet-in-residence Adam LeFevre
When I got into junior high school it became clear that literature was pulling at me. I loved it. I loved all the books that boys weren’t supposed to like. I cried at Jane Eyre. I always was gob-smacked by language, especially language that was not what you hear on the streets, seeing it written, seeing certain kinds of poetry for the first time. It just was such a feast, truly a feast. When I was home, by myself, I would always recite stuff out loud because it felt so tasty.
Poetry – and it’s the same with theatre – anything that can help us as individuals connect our hearts to another is essential. Both these art forms can do that when they’re working well. Who wouldn’t benefit from that? We all benefit from that.
Are you aware
Of the poetry
n your blueprint of our city?
This august place where
The elect embrace their
Propped-up mandate
Like a drunk prom date
And call it consensual
Call it "business as usual"
Seen from above
As by eagle or dove
Your streets become a metaphor
What do they stand for?
These broad avenues, radiant
Diagonals aslant
Slicing through a chessboard grid
Availing a commerce so torrid
It might melt from exertion.
Pierre, what's your version?
Dites-moi, s'il vous plait.
Did you mean to convey
A wheel or a web? Our city
Is which - symbolically?
A wheel like a juggernaut
Careening, fraught
With freight crushing anything
Standing in its way? Anything?
Or web? A gossamer snare
Raveling the unaware
In their own good intentions,
Food for some weaver's inventions
"Character is fate" quoth Aristotle
Was this your message in a bottle?
Have we been defined
By these streets you designed?
Does form in fact determine
Our beginning and our end?
Pierre, I fear thus far
We're little better than we are
Despite your genius and God's lamp
We've yet to make it
through the swamp
Unconscious of any cleverness
Willows hula in April sun
Not knowing how the hula’s done
Ratsnake swallows mole
Untroubled by good or evil
Mole’s last squeak – adrenal song
Not a screed on right and wrong
The loopy moon doesn’t smile or frown
The wind needs no hope to carry on
Likewise seek no pity
No better day to come
Likewise want no meaning
From the poem.
Natural Ode — Adam LeFevre
A full stack allaround designer that tristique est placerat in massa consectetur quisque lobortis vitae faucibus diam
Janny Stone
Ken Williams
Peter Smith
Tom Doe
LeFevre, 64, also has had a successful acting career in theater, television and film, and is now starring as a fictional poet in Shakespeare Theatre Company
A full stack allaround designer that tristique est placerat in massa consectetur quisque lobortis vitae faucibus diam
2015 – 2016
Faucibus sed tristique fames sed aliquet ultricies eget viverra arcu vitae faucibus diam consequat.
2016 – 2017
Aliquam nec tortor non dolor sagittis accumsan. Vivamus tristique metus et venenatis pull.
2017 – 2018
Donec mattis justo mi, eu ultricies augue gravida id lorem ipsum dolom setos tutorias bolonos.
2018 – 2019
Sed eu risus dignissim sapien sollicitudin sceleri vamus cursus purus eget ligula lorem ipsum.
2019 – 2020
Molestie, a laoreet urna tempor vivamus vel gravida augue, quis imperdiet sem etiam sedio.
2020 – 2021
Phasellus id arcu venenatis felis maximus pelle eu a enim integer eget mauris norius kolopios.
A full stack allaround designer that tristique est placerat in massa consectetur quisque lobortis vitae faucibus diam
A full stack allaround designer that tristique est placerat in massa consectetur quisque lobortis vitae faucibus diam
Massa Fames / New York
A full stack allaround designer that tristique est placerat in massa consectetur quisque lobortis vitae faucibus diam
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Prizes won: Eugene Nassar Award; Starting Gate Award; Heideman Award
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Agency: BRS/GAGE
Address: 1650 BROADWAY, SUITE 1410 NEWYORK, 10019
Phone: 212-757-0098